* Sosiqui doesn't have much to say about nail polish either. She hasn't worn it in ages.
wintermute: Nor have I.
wintermute: It's been... 10 years, I think.
Rabbitlord: I haven't worn nail polish in over 14 years.
wintermute: You wore nail polish as a foetus?
Brunnen-G has left.
Sosiqui: I did, however, used to file my nails into sharp points.
wintermute: Oh, cool.
Brunnen-G has entered.
Rabbitlord: wm: :-p
Rabbitlord: Make that "for over 14 years," anyway.
Brunnen-G: I have worn nail polish probably twice in my life.
Brunnen-G: I think I tried it one time when I was about 12, and that was the last time I had long fingernails because after that I played the guitar and other stringed instruments for about 15 years and kept them short.
* Sosiqui was the scratch masta.
Rivikah: I got in the habit of polishing mine when I forced myself to stop chewing them
Sosiqui: I don't get those uber-long fake nails. They even look ugly. And you can't type worth beans.
Brunnen-G: And then, during the four months I had that temp office job, immediately after the year working on the ferries, I grew them long again and wore nail polish just because it was the first time I could.
Brunnen-G: The thrill wore off almost immediately and I cut them again.
nomie has entered.
nomie: Me = back.
Sosiqui: (Interesting topic jump. From the morality of what was it, something involving cloning and donors? to nail polish.)
Brunnen-G: You can't do anything if your nails are long.
wintermute: I wore it once, when a girfriend decided to give me a makeover.
nomie: Wow, 6 AIMs open.
nomie: This play is going to rock/suck.
Sosiqui: You can scratch people badly.... I guess....
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'The morality of nail polish.' by Brunnen-G.
wintermute: It was the eyeshadow that was the most annoying.
wintermute: It wouldn't come off.
Rivikah: I keep mine short enough that I can be mostly everything
Sosiqui: Nail polish is only immoral if you make babies inhale it.
Brunnen-G: Sosiqui: Biting them is more effective though.
wintermute: BG: What id they taste bad?
Brunnen-G: wm: Man, I totally wish I'd seen that.
* Sosiqui is terribly squicked by nail fragments, most especially in one's mouth, so she never bites her nails. Ewww.
wintermute: BG: No you don't.
Brunnen-G: wm: You can use mouthwash afterwards.
Brunnen-G: Sosiqui: No, I meant people. Biting people is more effective than scratching them.
* Athaleon bites his nails too much.
Rivikah: I like to have little bits of stuff in my mouth so nail biting was just right.
Sosiqui: BG: Oh.
wintermute: I used to bite my nails. well, I still do, but only when they get LONG.
Sosiqui: When I sharpened my nails deliberately, I could pack a mean scratch. Far better than how my teeth woudl fare, I think.
* Sosiqui was a very scary child and she prays every day that she won't have kids like herself.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Aaaaarrrrragh *bite* snarl' by Brunnen-G.
wintermute: Sosi: Maybe you should have sharpened your teeth, too.
wintermute: *claw/claw/bite*
Brunnen-G: Sosiqui: That's why you should pay somebody else to clone them for you instead of having some yourself.
Sosiqui: If I ever have kids, which I somehow doubt. But the prayer applies to non-biological children.
Sosiqui: *too.
Rivikah: why is this particularly doubtful?
Sosiqui: 'Cause I'm just not sure if I ever want kids. That's all.
Rivikah: I mean...more doubtful than non-biological children?
wintermute: Non-biological? Like, made out of rock?
Brunnen-G: Oooh, yeah!
Stephen is back.
Sosiqui: Okay, wrong word. Kids that aren't mine genetically. :P
Brunnen-G: Kid Rock. That must be what that guy is all about.
Myrth has entered.
wintermute: You're planning to abduct them?
Myrth: Hello.
Rivikah: yeah...why is that more likely than having your own children?
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Sosiqui's alarming plans for motherhood.' by Brunnen-G.
Sosiqui: They're not alarming. :P
Brunnen-G: So basically you're saying you want to adopt a non-human rock-based life form.
Sosiqui: No.
Stephen: I take the hip-hop / And I mix it with the southern rock / I got more money than Fort Knox / I'll always be a Kid Rock.
Sosiqui: Hehe.
Stephen: True poetry.
Brunnen-G: Abduct, then.
Sosiqui: Nah, at this point in my life I'm much more inclined to the idea of adopting children than spawning some.
wintermute: SPAWN!
Brunnen-G: SPAWNING? They have to be part frog, too?
Sosiqui: BG: :P
Stephen: Sosi: I think that's an idea we're all more comfortable with, too. You not reproducing.
Brunnen-G: You scare me.
wintermute: Not monkey-children?
Nyperold is back.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to '*bite*' by Brunnen-G.
famous has entered.
Sosiqui: Nyperold comes back and BG bites. Creepy.
Sosiqui: famous!
* Brunnen-G apparently spent a lot of time in early childhood biting other kids at playcentre.
Nyperold: Hello!
wintermute: fAMOUS!
Brunnen-G: Once I was older, of course, I just used to punch 'em in the head.
wintermute: BG: Didn't we all.
Myrth: Hello, famous.
famous: Sosiqui! Hello! wINTERMUTE!
Sosiqui: BG: I apparently spent time spitting on teachers and hitting other children over the head with plastic bowling pins.
Rivikah: I didn't
Stephen: I can believe that.
famous: Hi, Myrth.
Rabbitlord: famous!
Rivikah: I hid under the table
Brunnen-G: I think the time I bit a nun was probably my finest hour.
famous: Bunneh!
wintermute: St: You just set fire to them?
Sosiqui: BG: Wow, that's great. Er, in a weird sense.
* Brunnen-G doesn't actually remember this, but has been told by people who ought to know.
Rabbitlord: I went to the far end of the room/playground and sat there.
Rivikah: they used to try to get me to participate in dumb games that they didn't want to properly explain the rules to. This would invariably cause me to sit down and refuse
Rabbitlord: You're dead again, Rivi.
Sosiqui: My early childhood must have been very weird. Apparently I mutated into some kind of hellspawn between first and second grade, because most of the stories I get told about first grade involve me kissing my 'boyfriend' under the table during prayer-time. Then all the second grade stories involve me hitting and pitching fits and spitting on people.
Rivikah: I used to be pretty good at refusing
Rabbitlord: Sosi: ... LOL.
Stephen: Sosi: So... basically like you are now, then?
Sosiqui: And I remember almost none of this, so maybe they're all lying.
Brunnen-G: Sosiqui: It was obviously divine punishment for kissing somebody during prayer time.
Rivikah: I almost failed kindergarten because they couldn;t get me to participate in anything
Stephen: I was born 18.
Brunnen-G: Stephen: No freaking kidding.
Sosiqui: Your poor mother.
Brunnen-G: LOL
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Part-frog part-rock mutant abductee babies.' by Brunnen-G.
Sosiqui: I had a tree for an imaginary friend, once.
nomie: Sosi: Cool!
nomie: I had creatures from the planet Hak'tana.
nomie: As my friends.
Rabbitlord: I had bunnies.
Brunnen-G: You imagined a TREE as your imaginary friend?
Brunnen-G: Or do you mean a real tree was your imaginary friend?
nomie: They called earth "Ter'ri" and secretly they were going to conquer it.
Brunnen-G: The latter is slightly less weird.
nomie: I stopped them, of course.
Sosiqui: BG: The latter.
Sosiqui: It was a real tree. And I need to go. Bye!
Sosiqui has left.

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